Dario de Regoyos Playing the Guitar, 1882, oli on board, (30x42.5cm)
(Musee Royaux des Beaux - Arts de Belgique, Belgium)
Woman with Guitar, oil on canvas
Woman Playing a Mandoliln, oil on canvas (66,04 x 35,56 cm), (Private Collection)
Girl with Guitar, ca.1886, oil on panel, (26.04x15.24cm) (Private Collection)
The Guitar Player, 1908, oil on canvas, (128.27x118.11cm) (Museum of Fine Arts, US)
Lady Playing the Guitar, 1896, oil oncanvas (Musee des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, France)
Lady with Guitar, oil on canvas (Private Collection)
The Spanish Guitarist, 1897, oil on canvas (Private Collection)
Young Guitarist Standing, ca.1897, oil on canvas (Private Collection)
Girl in Yellow and Blue with Guitar, 1939, oil on canvas
Musique, 1939, oil on canvas
The Serenade, 1910, oil on canvas, (93.98x111.76cm) (Private collection)
Flowers for Music, oil on canvas, (64.8x48.9cm) (Private Collection)
The Serenade, oil on canvas (Private Collection)
Music : Joaquin Rodrigo, Concierto De Aranjuez, II. Adagio
'Music in Paint' 카테고리의 다른 글
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