Le Violiniste, 1911-14, oil on canvas, (94.5x69.5cm)
(Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, Germany)
Fiddler, 1912-1913, oil on canvas, (National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.)
Green Violinist, 1923-24, oil on canvas, (The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York)
Cego Rabequista, Óleo sobre tela, (170x120cm)
(Museu do Chiado - Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea em Lisboa, República Portuguesa)
Hins Anders, 1904, oil on canvas, (81x65cm) (Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm)
The Old Musician (Der alte Musiker), 1862, oil on canvas, (186x247cm)
(National Gallery of Art, Washingtion D.C., US)
The Merry Fiddler, 1623, oil on canvas (108x89cm)
(Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Holland)
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