At the Opera Ball, 1893 (Private Collection)
The Singer in Pink, ca. 1895, oil on canvas (Private Collection)
Gentlemen of the Opera (The Dance Studio), ca.1887-1890, oil on canvas, (60.96x50.8cm)
(Private Collection)
The Orchestra of the Opera, 1870, oil on canvas (Muse, d'Orsay, France)
Musicans in the Orchestra (Portrait of Desire Dihau), 1870, oil on canvas
(Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, US)
The Orchestra Pit, ca.1906-1907, oil on canvas, (43,82x49.53cm) (Private Collection)
At the Opera, oil on canvas, (151.77x91.44cm) (Private Collection)
At the Concert (Box at the Opera), 1880, oil on canvas
(Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, US)
The Theater Box, 1874, oil on canvas (Courtauld Institute Galleries, England)
At the Opera, 1887, oil on board, (50.17x38.1cm) (Private Collection)
At the Francais, a Sketch (At the Opera), 1877-1878, oil on canvas (Museum of Fine Arts, US)
Music : J. Puccini, "Tosca" - E lucevan le stelle
'Music in Paint' 카테고리의 다른 글
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