Emma at the Piano, 1914, oil on canvas (Chrysler Museum of Art, US)
Kathleen Newton at the Piano, ca. 1881, oil on canvas (Private Collection)
Mrs. Meigs at the Piano Organ, ca. 1883, oil on canvas (Private Collection)
At the Piano, 1887, oil on canvas, (41.94x64.14cm) (National Museum of American Art, US)
Girls at Piano, ca. 1887, oil on canvas, (55.25x45.88cm)
(Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, US)
At the Piano (Helen Hoperkirk Wilson, 1894), 1894, oil on canvas, (80.01x110.49cm)
(Private Collection)
A Lady Playing the Piano, oil on canvas, (76.8 x 73 cm)
A Lady Playing the Spinet, oil on canvas, (50 x 43 cm)
Elizabeth at the Piano, 1875, oil on canvas (Addison Museum of American Art, US)
At the Piano, 1889, oil on canvas (40.96x36.51cm) (Private Collection)
Music : F. Chopin, Fantaisie Impromptu in C sharp minor, Op.66
'Music in Paint' 카테고리의 다른 글
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