Ilia Efimovich Repin
(1844~1930, Russian painter and sculptor of the Peredvizhniki artistic school)
Composer Modest Mussorgsky, 1881, oil on canvas, (88.9cm x 69.2 cm)
(1844~1930, Russian painter and sculptor of the Peredvizhniki artistic school)
Portrait of pianist and professor of Saint-Petersburg Conservatory Sophie Menter, 1887,
oil on canvas, (107cm x 115cm)
The Treyakov Gallery (Russia)
(1844~1930, Russian painter and sculptor of the Peredvizhniki artistic school)
Portrait of the Composer Anton Rubinstein. 1887. Oil on canvas
(The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia)
Portrait of the Pianist Conrad Ansorge, 1903, oil on canvas (141cm x 125cm)
(Staedtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Germany)
(1844~1930, Russian painter and sculptor of the Peredvizhniki artistic school)
Composer Modest Mussorgsky, 1881, oil on canvas, (88.9cm x 69.2 cm)
(1844~1930, Russian painter and sculptor of the Peredvizhniki artistic school)
Portrait of pianist and professor of Saint-Petersburg Conservatory Sophie Menter, 1887,
oil on canvas, (107cm x 115cm)
The Treyakov Gallery (Russia)
(1844~1930, Russian painter and sculptor of the Peredvizhniki artistic school)
Portrait of the Composer Anton Rubinstein. 1887. Oil on canvas
(The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia)
Portrait of the Pianist Conrad Ansorge, 1903, oil on canvas (141cm x 125cm)
(Staedtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Germany)
'Music in Paint' 카테고리의 다른 글
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